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Happiness Through Connections As Numerous As The Stars In The Night Sky

Fall 2017

Happy is a 2011 documentary done on people and their happiness. They examine a variety of people from different countries, income, physical levels of health, family size, and gender. They do this in order to try and answer the age old question, “what makes people happy?”

After having watched the full documentary, I believe that the answer to the question “what makes people happy” is their connections with other people and the things they enjoy doing. In Happy, we see quite a few people living in poor circumstances, but they seem happy despite this.

We see a man who earns a living carting people around in a rickshaw who comments that some of his patrons abuse him, but he does not argue with them so they will continue to use his services. The same man also states that he feels like “the richest man in the world” simply from seeing his child smile.

Later on there is another man who works as a cook in a dinner. He claims he’s happy working where he is and has no desire to leave. “I love cooking,” he explains, thus he seems to have no desire to “get a better job.” He loves what he does so even if it is not the most glamorous job or one that pays the most, as long as he enjoys doing it he seems happy.

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