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What/who makes you happy and why does/do it/they make you happy?

Andy: “I’d say the thing that makes me the most happy is accomplishment and creation. As to why, I personally find great satisfaction with having a solid object or even non solid idea that I am responsible for be recognized in any capacity.”

We can all generally take great satisfaction in a job well done. It is a wonderful thing to be able to make yourself happy in this way and to not have your happiness depend on others, though it does seem a little lonely. Perhaps you could find some friends with similar interest so you can all share the joy. :)

Lindsey: “Spending time with my loved ones makes me happy, the only thing is, there are a lot of people I love and we do lots of different things. I love my friends, whether we’re just texting, doing something together out and about, or chatting together playing video games. I love my family, spending time with them and growing closer together. I love my pets and how energetic and playful they are. And I love my boyfriend who always makes me feel special, even when things are tough.”

I'm glad you have so many people who can bring you joy! It is always nice to have a variety of friends and family with whom you can find comfort and love regardless of your interest. With so many at least when you hit a rough patch with one you have a wonderful network of support. I hope your relationships with them stay happy and healthy. :)

Lisa: “Quality time with the people I love make me happy. When I’m with my daughter and she is talking about something that excites her and makes her happy, that makes me happy.”

It's nice to see that you can find happiness in what brings others joy. Perhaps though you could try and make it a little less one sided and find others who delight in the same things you do. While it is fun to celebrate with someone who won a game that is nothing compared to the joy of winning the game with them. :)

Ellie: “My friends and family are what make me happy because they’re all such good people. They are all there for me when I need them. For my friends, we can just be doing whatever and I will be smiling and laughing the whole time when we’re together. I have a few friends that I’ve known for ages who cross the border of friendship and family, but I still love them both like they were my brothers. My family is always very understanding with me, as well. My dog also brings me happiness because she is an adorable, massive ball of fluff.”

I believe pets can always bring unbridle joy to their owners simply by existing. I cannot count the times my cat has made me smile simply by being himself (that meaning the times he gets spooked by nothing at all and I hear him run down the hall skidding along the wooden floor).It is nice as well to have human companions who bring you joy, but let's be honest they could never compete with pets. :)

Howard: "My daughter and my wife make me happy because they love me unconditionally. No matter what I'm going through, they are always there to support me."

It can be a wonderful thing to have that kind of stability in your life. I often times find that unhapiness comes from things like instability and uncertainty. It is great to know you have such a good support group around you! :)

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