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I first encountered this quote when watching an episode of my favorite anime, Durarara!! (no, the name has no meaning, and yes, the two exclamation points are apart of the title). It was during episode two, a young girl Rio had just tried to commit suicide by jumping off a roof only to be saved by Celty. Upon asking why Celty saved her, Celty simply replied, “the world isn’t as bad as you think” (roughly at least when taking into consideration stuff that could be lost in translation). This quote has often brought me happiness by reminding me that no matter how bad things seem now, the world isn’t really that awful and things will be better eventually.

Tragedy + Time is one of my favorite songs off of Rise Against 2014 album The Black Market. While they have made many songs dealing with subjects such as war, animal cruelty, and suicide, this one sticks out to me as one of my favorite. While it does delve into some of the more depressing parts of the mentality of a suicidal person, “Nothing matters but the pain, you're all alone the never ending night when you're awake; when you're playing out tomorrow, it's ok,” the chorus always comes in with a reminder that tomorrow is another day. You will laugh again and smile one day.

Quote#1: “The World Isn’t As Bad As You Think.” - Celty Sturluson Durarara!!

Quote#2: “There will be a time to crack another smile. Maybe not today or for a while, but we’re holding on to laugh again another day.” - Rise Against Tragedy + Time

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